Scores / Schedule

Catching Up With Mitch Jones

Q: Mitch, you are well into the off season now, what are you up to?

MITCH JONES: I took a little break right when the season ended just to do a reset and then jumped into the summer season with New Westminster (WLA). I also started working more with my brother, doing some jobs here and there and making sure I hit the gym to stay in good shape.

Q: Why is playing in the summer important to you?

JONES: It’s a great league to play in, but for me I think that I get better when I play games. The ability for us to have a bit of a condensed schedule (WLA plays 18 games in just over 10 weeks, the NLL is 18 over 21 weeks) allows me to get some more game time in over the summer. Having the games close together is great because I can work on things repetitively and fine tune for a game sometimes the next night or a couple nights later. Then when I get back for the NLL season, I hope I have more ways to be dangerous when I’m out on the floor.

Q: You have your fellow Warriors teammates scattered throughout the WLA…any good stories to share?

JONES: I think I have the most fun when I play against Matt Beers and Tyler Codron. Because of the side of the floor I play I get matched up against these guys a lot and I almost enjoy it too much! They are so tough to play against and I think it brings out the best in all of us. Beers and I had a good chat on the floor the other night (laughs) and Codron always has something to say.


Q: Do you like the battles too much sometimes?

JONES: I love it! I need to be challenged to be better and these guys are examples of what it takes to succeed…they never take a shift off and neither can I.

Q: Outside of lacrosse and work, where can we find Mitch Jones this summer?

JONES: I’m lucky to have a place downtown, but I spend a lot of time on my boat either here in town or up in the Okanagan. I also can’t turn down a game of golf.

Q: Who is your big competition on the course among your teammates?

JONES: Brandon Goodwin can give me a run for my money, but I will take me! We have a Salmonbellies tourney coming up later this summer…the boys can come and get me on the course!

Vancouver Warriors